Are you sick of a regular computer? If so, the Qiyang touchscreen notebook computer is your answer! You will be using a whole new type of computer. One touch of your finger and you can view everything on your display. You can easily access programs, view your favorite websites, and work. This computer is built to do your work quicker and simpler for you.
Easy to use: The Qiyang touchscreen notebook computer may make it easy for you to touch with your finger to operate on the screen. You no longer have to click on things using a mouse or trackpad. Instead, you tap the screen to open apps or write messages. It makes everything much faster and more enjoyable! If you want to browse the internet or check your email, it’s all done by touching the screen. It truly saves your time, manages your work for you to get it done in no time.
The Qiyang touchscreen notebook computer, for example, has no ordinary keyboard like other computers do! You won’t need to dial your messages in anymore. Instead, the keyboard pops up on-screen when there’s text to type. This virtual keyboard functions much like a keyboard, but it is much easier to operate. You can customize the look of your keyboard too! However you can go ahead in customizing it to be special for you. That means that you can select your favorite colors or styling and so typing becomes a whole lot more fun.
Do you want a computer that is easy to use? In case it is, the answer is Qiyang touchscreen notebook computer! It has a user-friendly design that is built for working fast and smart. Changing to display your favorite apps, documents and bookmarks on home screen is as simple as it gets. In this manner, all you might need is only a swipe away. Additionally, you can split your screen into two or more sections if you have multiple things! Which means you can simultaneously write a paper and watch a video. Great for anyone from busy professionals to children who wants to make computers usage easy and fun, this computer is perfect for anyone.
In short, Qiyang touchscreen notebook computer is the future of technology. Its features are so exciting that it will transform our way of working and learning by continuing to become quicker and easier. A world without the need of a mouse or a keyboard, everything you require is accessible by simply touching the screen. Ideal for the tech-savvy person who loves their gadgets. Qiyang touchscreen notebook makes it easy to deliver your best work, whether you're a creative, student or professional. And that's with the Big-Pilot Qiyang touchscreen!
Ipctech, GB/T19001-2016/ISO9001:2015 tarafından sertifikalandırılmıştır. Ürünler, IQC, IPQC, OQC, hareketli/statik fırın makinesi, işlevsel/performans testleri dahil olmak üzere, sıkı yüksek ve düşük sıcaklık testlerinden (-40°C - 70°C), titreşim testinden, darbe testinden, güvenlik testinden, EMI testinden ve yorulma testinden, üretim aşamasından geçer. Her ürün, kararlı ve güvenilir olmalıdır.
Ipctech, endüstriyel dokunmatik panel PC, endüstriyel LCD monitörler, fansız tasarıma sahip mini PC, endüstriyel ARM hepsi bir arada PC ve askeri sınıf dizüstü bilgisayar araştırma ve geliştirme, üretim ve hizmetlerine odaklanmış önde gelen bir yüksek teknoloji firmasıdır. Ürünler askeri, telekomünikasyon ve metalurji alanlarında yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. Ayrıca ulaşım, enerji, demiryolları, havacılık, iletişim ve finansal hizmetler, ağlar, tıbbi aletler, hassas ekipmanlar ve daha fazlasında da bulunabilirler.
Farklı endüstriler tarafından gerekli görülen çeşitli sertifikalarımız var. Bunlar arasında CE, FCC, ROHS, CCC. Demiryolu taşımacılığı için EN50155, tıbbi ekipmanlar için EN60601, Avrupa'daki navigasyon bilgisayarları/deniz bilgisayar sistemleri için EN60945, Kuzey Amerika'daki navigasyon bilgisayarları/deniz bilgisayarları için IEC60945 ve daha fazlası yer almaktadır.
Ipctech, "kalite Qiyang", "yenilik Qiyang" ve "hizmet Qiyang" temel değerlerine bağlı kalmaktadır. Ar-Ge ve Müşteri Hizmetleri ekipleri istikrarlı ve en üst düzey kalitededir.
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