You are reading this article, that means you are looking for a sturdy, powerful computer for your business? If that's the case, you may want to look to Qiyang's small industrial computer! This mini computer specifically helps in heavy tasks and performs great under adverse conditions. It is ideal for many various tasks in growing industries making it the one solution to help your business run like clockwork.
The biggest virtue of a small industrial computer is its size. Despite its small size, it does a fantastic job of accomplishing the task at hand. This machine is powerful enough to run critical programs without any issue. This makes it a great option for businesses who need a powerful PC but don't have much space to give up.
With Qiyang's small industrial computer, you can trust that you will be able to work. Thus, helping you save time and do more work. You will discover that task through quicker and less stress with quick handling times and solid parts. This is crucial for any successful business.
For saving space, many companies prefer using mini industrial computer. This small computer goes where big desktop computers cannot fit. This functionality is useful for businesses that have very limited space or those who require a computer that can be moved from place to place.
Qiyang's industrial computer, despite its compact form factor, does not sacrifice efficiency. It designed to deliver equivalent computing power to larger desktop computers. This makes it innate to many different kinds of work, making it a highly universal tool for any business. This little computer can do it all, whether it's data processing, automation, or anything else.
But Qiyang's tiny industrial PC is designed to survive these harsh environments.” The device is designed to operate reliably even in high-temperature groups and resist dust and other harmful substances. Thanks to this unique design, you can rely on this computer to continue working, even in less-than-ideal conditions. Well, it also features shock-absorbing elements that cushion it from not only surges of electricity, but also vibrations and bumps, which can cause damage as well.
Healthcare: When performance and high reliability is a must in a healthcare setting, a small industrial computer such as one from Qiyang is the best option. It is also used for managing patient information and providing support to medical devices so everything operates properly.
Ipctech certifierad av GB/T19001-2016/ISO9001:2015. Produkter genomgår rigorösa hög- och lågtemperaturtester (-40degC - 70degC), vibrationstestning, slagtester, säkerhetstestning, EMI-testning och utmattningstestning, produktionsstadiet, inklusive IQC, IPQC ,OQC, rörlig/statisk bakmaskin, funktionell/prestanda testning. Se till att alla produkter är robusta och stabila.
Våra produkter backas upp av många certifikat som krävs av olika industrier, såsom CE, FCC, ROHS, CCC och så vidare. EN50155 för järnvägstransitering, EN60601 för medicinsk utrustning, EN60945 för navigationsdatorer/marindatasystem i Europa, IEC60945 för navigeringsdatorer och -datorer i Nordamerika och många fler.
Ipctech följer de grundläggande värderingarna "kvalitet Qiyang, innovation Qiyang, service Qiyang" och ett långvarigt, högkvalitativt stall för sitt FoU-team såväl som kundtjänstteamet. FoU-teamet fortsätter att utveckla och förnya produkter för att möta olika kunders behov och lösa problem inom en mängd olika branscher.
Ipctech är ett högteknologiskt företag som specialiserat sig på forskning och utveckling, produktion och leverans av industriella pekpaneler för industriella LCD-skärmar industriella fläktlösa mini-datorer, en ARM industriell allt-i-ett-dator och bärbara datorer av militär kvalitet. Produkterna används i stor utsträckning inom telekommunikation, militär, transport, metallurgi och järnvägar, flyg, kommunikation, medicin, finans, nätverk, maskintillverkning samt precisionsinstrument inom andra områden.
Vårt professionella säljteam väntar på din konsultation.