Wondering what a Mini PC is all about? A Mini PC is super special because it is a smaller version of a computer! The Qiyang Mini PC N100 is one of the best Mini PCs in the market. It may be small enough to fit in the palm of your hand, but this little computer has some serious power packed inside.
This is the best option for you if you need a PC which can perform all the activities and assist you with all the chores. Although it is compact, it is capable of everything! This Mini PC is ready for anything from working on a huge school assignment to watching your favorite films to playing action packed video games. This gives high performance on various applications, and you don’t have to worry about it being not strong enough because it can punch anything you throw at it!
The Qiyang Mini PC N100 is very small, which is one of its best characteristics. It can fit almost anywhere! It is easy to position on your desktop, store in a drawer, and bring along with you as you travel from place to venue. It may be small, but it packs quite a punch. So this Mini PC isn't just fast but highly efficient, so it speeds through tasks without lingering around. You can count on it not making you slower when you’re trying to be productive.
It can be used to perform faster and energy-efficient processes that makes the Qiyang Mini PC N100 both speedy and efficient. It has a super brain that helps you run multiple tasks at one go. In addition to that, it also offers a large storage capacity allowing you to store all your files, photos, and other programs without worrying about running out of space. It consumes less energy and is very economical because it saves you money on your power bill!
Whether you require a computer for a specific location or a shared situation such as an office or multipurpose environment, the Qiyang Mini PC N100 is an excellent option. It's compact enough that you can put it any place cramped, say on an overcrowded desk or in a small space, however big enough to handle every one of your computing needs. With this Mini PC, you can rely on it to take care of your school work, leisure time, or anything else you need it to do.
Naši izdelki so opremljeni z različnimi certifikati, ki jih zahtevajo različne industrije. Sem spadajo CE, FCC, COHS itd. EN50155 za železniški tranzit, EN60601 za medicinsko opremo, EN60945 za navigacijske računalnike/pomorske računalnike v Evropi, IEC60945 za navigacijske računalnike/pomorske računalnike v Severni Ameriki in tako naprej.
Ipctech je visokotehnološko podjetje, ki se osredotoča na raziskave in razvoj ter proizvodnjo industrijskih plošč na dotik, industrijskih LCD zaslonov, mini računalnikov z industrijskimi ventilatorji, industrijskih večnamenskih računalnikov ARM in vojaških prenosnih računalnikov. Ti izdelki se v veliki meri uporabljajo na področjih vojske, telekomunikacijske metalurgije, transporta, komunikacije pogonskih vlakov, letalstva, medicine, financ, omrežij, proizvodnje strojev ter preciznih instrumentov na drugih področjih.
Ipctech ima certifikat GB/T19001-2016/ISO9001:2015. Izdelki so podvrženi strogemu testiranju pri visokih in nizkih temperaturah (-40 °C – 70 °C), testiranju vibracij, preskusu udarcev, varnostnem testiranju, testiranju EMI in testiranju utrujenosti, stopnja proizvodnje, vključno z IQC, IPQC ,OQC, gibljivi/statični pekovski stroj, funkcionalen/zmogljivost testiranje. Vsak izdelek mora biti stabilen in zanesljiv.
Ipctech se drži temeljnih vrednot "kakovostni Qiyang", "inovacijski Qiyang" kot tudi "storitveni Qiyang". Ekipe za raziskave in razvoj ter storitve za stranke so zanesljive in vrhunske kakovosti.
Naša profesionalna prodajna ekipa čaka na vaše posvetovanje.