Hello, friends! What is a mini PC? Have you heard of it ever? That is tiny little computer which is highly beneficial for people who have space issues both at home and in school. A mini PC easily fits on a desk, inside a drawer, or even in your backpack. Mini PC features all the basics you use in a regular computer, albeit it is tiny. This makes it a great option for many!
Qiyang is one of the top mini computer manufacturers. They design what we refer to as mini PC desktops. These computers are so small that you could hold them in your hand, but don’t let their size fool you; they can do some really big things! You can use these devices for work and gaming both. Use them around the house, in school, or even at work. Much like a regular computer, you can connect them to a monitor (which is the screen you see), a keyboard (which is the device you type on) and a mouse (which controls what you move around on the screen).
Now, you might be thinking, how do mini PCs really work? They have a lot of the same pieces as regular computers, but they are built to be more efficient. That means they draw less power and generate less heat while running. Useful one, as it can reduce your expenses on electric bill. Mini PCs are also powered by something known as solid-state drives, or SSDs. These drives are better than the older types called hard disk drives (HDDs). They’re also quicker, since SSDs benefit from flash memory, and they’re more reliable, because there are no spinning parts inside, and they consume far less power. This makes your mini PC run better and for a longer time!
Mini PCs are highly practical for work, too. Because they are small and lightweight, you can easily carry them with you to your location. Which means that, you can use them to check your email, do research on school projects, write reports, and even presentations for class or work. They also work well for virtual meetings and video conferences. You can connect your webcam and microphone to your mini PC, Mun, an affordable setup. So now you can have a chat with the people in your class or at work, easy peasy!
Mini PCs are eating away at our comfort levels and at how we are utilizing computers. That is great for those needing a compact computer, efficient and powerful. These little PCs will save some space which keeps everything neat and tidy. As for placement: You can stick them on bookshelves, tuck them away in drawers or attach them to the back of a monitor to declutter a workspace. Besides, they are actually easy to use and they look good (Extra shower!)
Ipctech, visokotehnološko podjetje, je specializirano za raziskave in razvoj ter proizvodnjo industrijskih plošč na dotik, industrijskih lcd zaslonov in mini osebnih računalnikov z industrijskimi brez ventilatorjev in industrijskimi večnamenskimi računalniki ARM ter prenosnih računalnikov z vojaško podporo. Izdelki se v veliki meri uporabljajo v vojski, telekomunikacijah, transportu, metalurgiji, pogonskih sklopih, pa tudi v letalstvu, komunikacijskih omrežjih, financah, medicini, proizvodnji strojev, natančnih instrumentih in na drugih področjih.
Ipctech se drži temeljnih vrednot "kakovost Qiyang", "inovacija Qiyang" kot tudi "storitev Qiyang". Ekipe za raziskave in razvoj ter storitve za stranke so zanesljive in visokokakovostne.
Ipctech ima certifikat GB/T19001-2016/ISO9001:2015. Izdelki so podvrženi strogemu testiranju pri visokih in nizkih temperaturah (-40 °C – 70 °C), testiranju vibracij, preskusu udarcev, testiranju varnosti, testiranju EMI in testiranju utrujenosti, stopnji proizvodnje, vključno z IQC, IPQC ,OQC, gibljivi/statični pekovski stroj, funkcionalen/zmogljivost testiranje. Zagotovite, da so vsi izdelki robustni in stabilni.
Naši izdelki imajo številne certifikate, ki jih zahtevajo različne industrije, kot so CE, FCC, ROHS, CCC in tako naprej. EN50155 za železniški tranzit, EN60601 za medicinsko opremo, EN60945 za navigacijske računalnike/pomorske računalniške sisteme v Evropi, IEC60945 za navigacijske računalnike/pomorske računalnike v Severni Ameriki in še veliko več.
Naša profesionalna prodajna ekipa čaka na vaše posvetovanje.