Businesses are struggling to get their work done. Today, Let us know about a tool called Automation CRM that will help your business to become smart and more customers focused.
Think of it as an assistant that knows everything about your customers. And that is exactly what Automation CRM does! CRM = Customer Relationship Management It’s like a smart notebook that knows who buys things from a business, what they like, and what they may be interested in purchasing next.
This tool helps businesses do many amazing things:
It automates the boring work so you can save time
It remembers customer details such like phone numbers and what they purchased
It can dispatch rapid letters (SMS) to clients
It makes it easier for business people to know what their customers want
Consider a store that wants to please its customers. Their role with Automation CRM is:
Find out exactly what customers love
Answer questions quickly
Send news of new products
Make customers feel special
An Easy Example
For example, a customer purchased a blue toy car last month. The business has no problem pulling up their information when they call with a question. They can say, ‘Oh I know that you’ve purchased a blue toy car previously. Want to check out our new red one? This creates a genuine feeling of intimacy for the customer, as if the business truly understands their needs.
Automation CRM can be used by any business. It doesn't matter whether the business is:
A small bakery
A big computer company
A family restaurant
An online shop
Ipctech ima certifikat GB/T19001-2016/ISO9001:2015. Izdelki so podvrženi strogemu testiranju pri visokih in nizkih temperaturah (-40 °C – 70 °C), testiranju vibracij, preskusu udarcev, varnostnem testiranju, testiranju EMI in testiranju utrujenosti, stopnja proizvodnje, vključno z IQC, IPQC ,OQC, gibljivi/statični pekovski stroj, funkcionalen/zmogljivost testiranje. Preverite, ali so izdelki varni in zanesljivi.
Naši izdelki so podprti s številnimi certifikati, ki jih zahtevajo različne industrije. Sem spadajo CE, FCC, COHS itd. EN50155 za železniški tranzit, EN60601 za medicinsko opremo, EN60945 za navigacijske računalnike/pomorske računalniške sisteme v Evropi, IEC60945 za navigacijske pomorske računalnike in računalnike v Severni Ameriki itd.
Ipctech se drži temeljnih vrednot "kakovost Qiyang, inovacija Qiyang, storitev Qiyang" in dolgotrajne, visokokakovostne stabilnosti svoje ekipe za raziskave in razvoj ter ekipe za pomoč strankam. Ekipa za raziskave in razvoj še naprej razvija in inovira izdelke, da bi izpolnila potrebe različnih strank in reševanje problemov v različnih panogah.
Ipctech je vodilno visokotehnološko podjetje, ki se osredotoča na raziskave in razvoj, proizvodnjo in storitve industrijskih osebnih računalnikov z zaslonom na dotik, industrijskih mini računalnikov LCD z zasnovo brez ventilatorja, industrijskega računalnika ARM vse v enem osebnega računalnika in vojaškega prenosnika. Izdelki se v veliki meri uporabljajo na področju vojske, telekomunikacij in metalurgije. Najdemo jih tudi v transportu, energetiki, železnicah, letalstvu, komunikacijah in finančnih storitvah, omrežjih, medicinskih instrumentih, natančni opremi itd.
Naša profesionalna prodajna ekipa čaka na vaše posvetovanje.