Are you bored of using a mouse + keyboard to control your computer? If ye, there's some cool new tech that lets you immediately touch yer computer screen with yer finger! This incredible technology was known as a resistive touch panel. This really makes working with computers very exciting and simple.
A resistive touch panel consists of an ordinary glass panel with no writing on it and two layers of conductive material arranged in such a fashion that applying a slight pressure on the top layer sends a current through the conductive materials. That way, when you press on the top layer with your finger, that contacts the bottom layer. This contact informs the computer you actually touched. This allows you to be able to interact and control your computer without having to use a mouse and keyboard. Its usage is extremely intuitive and welcoming!
They also allow multi-touch, which enables you to use more than one finger simultaneously. Multi-touch is what this feature is called. Multi-touch is a great boon for a host of activities. For instance, it enables you to zoom in and out of pictures, scroll through long documents and rotate objects on screen.
The resistive touch panel technology is revolutionizing bilgisayar usage today. Touch technology in the past was primarily leveraged on mobile platforms like tablets and smartphones. Well, now you can have this neat technology on your desktop & laptop computers, thanks to resistive touch panels! Consequently, we can have the best of everything — a computer's great characteristics paired with a simple touch screen technology.
You can have good things, using a resistive touch panel computer. First, it makes it feel more natural and intuitive to navigate your computer. You don’t need to click, type, other than touch the screen. It can help you get more done and keep the hands and wrists feeling better, too, especially if you spend a lot of time on the computer.
Second, an awesome feature the multi-touch option allows you to complete a task in less time. This is particularly useful for jobs like graphic design, where you are required to do many things simultaneously. With multi-touch, complex jobs are now quick — jobs that used to take forever are now finished with two finger stabs on a glass screen.
Finally, the touch panel computers can be more strong and durable than the computer systems in general. They’re less likely to break because they don’t have as many moving parts, such as a mouse and keyboard. This means you can save time and money on repairs, which makes this a wise decision for anyone who works on the computer regularly.
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