Technology company Qiyang has a cool new gadget too, the 8-inch Panel PC. This little computer is made to be an incredible technique for people who require working while they are running about. The Ion is relatively small, but it packs enough power to get users well on the way of meeting their productivity tasks.
It is unbelievable that how omnes in uno PC * can do, even it looks so small. It hosts a processor this Intel Atom, which is counted one of the most happening processors present till date. This powerful processor is what allows users to multitask and not even experience any amount of lag or freezing. That would be especially useful for busy professionals who must do it often.
The 8-inch Panel PC is designed to be used in hospitals and medical facilities. Healthcare professionals are constantly on the go from one room to another and they cannot be burdened with carrying big computers. It is an 8 inches Panel PC that can be carried anywhere without any hassle and ease for doing their work. This is good for them to easily manage data of their patients and they can do the work without any interruptions.
The Qiyang 8-inch Panel PC also boasts an amazing display, another great feature. Doctors and nurses can see the screen very clearly, so that there is important information in them. They need to have complete visibility into the patient records and other information in order to effectively care for them. The clarity on the displays makes them better at what they have to do.
Besides its brilliant display, the Qiyang 8-inch Panel PC is designed to be rugged and durable. It is built to resist accidental drops/ bumps when the unit is constantly moving around in a busy hospital. The industriae omnes in uno PC *'s rugged design ensures that users need not to worry too much about breaking the device, making it a suitable choice for medical professionals.
One of the greatest advantages a user gets with 8 Inch Panel PC is making work easier and more comfortable. It's tiny so it fits in a pocket very easily and the battery life should see you through more than an entire working day. And it lasts long enough for them not to have to keep charging it every few hours, which is a big plus in power user on the go circles.
The 8-inch Panel PC also has a touch-screen function, but this is pretty neat. This enables users to open up applications by merely touching the screen rather than needing a mouse or keyboard. This is especially useful for doctors, nurses or other health care professionals who may need to move fast and not deal with a mouse an keyboard. The 21.5 inch panel pc * can use the touch screen to go through their work with simple touches, in a very intuitive way.
Ipctech adhaeret core valoribus "qualitatis Qiyang", "innovationis Qiyang" et "servitii Qiyang". R&D et mos muneris iugis certae sunt et summus qualitas.
Ipctech certificatus per GB/T19001-2016/ISO9001:2015. Productiones gravissimas patiuntur altae et infimae temperaturae probatio (-40degC-70degC), vibratio probatio, impulsus probatio, salus probatio, EMI probatio ac lassitudo probatio, scaena productio, inter IQC, IPQC ,OQC, machina coquens static movens, operando/peractio probatio. Quisque productum est ut firmum et firmum sit.
Ipctech, summus technicus negotium, quod speciales habet in investigationibus et progressionibus et fabricandis tabularum tactus industriae, LCD industriae ostentat mini computatores cum alit artes industriales et ARM industriales omnes in uno pede sicut et codicillos militaris gradus. Producta late adhibentur in locis metalurgicis, militaribus, et telecommunicationibus. Possunt etiam inveniri in potestate, vecturae impedimenta, aviationes, communicationes et officia nummaria, instrumenta medica, instrumenta subtilitatis et plura plura.
Nostra producta veniunt cum variis testimonialibus variis industriis requisitis. Haec includuntur CE, FCC, COHS, et sic porro. EN50155 pro transitus raili, EN60601 pro instrumentis medicis, EN60945 ad computatores navigationis/mariales computatores in Europa, IEC60945 ad computatores navigationis/mariales computatores in America Septentrionali et sic porro.
Nostrae venditionesque turmae professionales consultationem tuam exspectant.