Did you ever dream of your car to do much more than taking you from point A to B? Transform Your Vehicle into a Smart Machine with Qiyang's Custom Car PC! This technology is so impressive that you can access to the internet, listen to music, watch movies, control different functionalities of your car just by clicking one button. Well how would you like to have access to all these fun and useful tools all from the comfort of your car?
Qiyang special car PC technology integrates beauty and practicality. It has sleek and smooth touchscreen displays that allow for user-friendly operation. Plus, it’s equipped with speedy processors that allow you to immediately access all of your favorite apps and features while on the road. With a car PC, there is not much that a phone can do that you can't already do. Every ride can now be a fun experience with this tech.
Car PCs aren't just pretentious toys to show off in your car either. In fact, they offer many vital advantages for drivers and passengers alike. First and foremost, they protect everyone’s safety. How? They keep drivers focused on the road, but let them access important tools, like GPS for directions and music for entertainment. That means less distraction and more focus on the actual act of driving. Moreover, car PCs will make long rides much more enjoyable. They can keep passengers entertained with music and movies, making the time fly. Plus, they’re able to monitor the state of your car in real-time, issuing the relevant alert once something stops working correctly.
Qiyang, meanwhile, is driven to make sure that the thing you drive is the best of them. It also has sophisticated features such as voice recognition and touchless controls. That means you can operate it without even taking your hands off the wheel! You could speak to your car PC or just use a hand gesture to command it. It lets you pay attention to driving, which is critical. What is even better is that you can make your car PC according to your requirements. You can do it all, from checking work emails to watching your favorite series while waiting in the car!
Entertainment: Stream music, movies, and a handful of different media to remain entertained on long road journeys, and ensuring that passing folks have more of a pleasurable period while sitting in the car.
Real-time Monitoring: Car PCs will be able to monitor your car performance and how it is doing. If there’s ever a problem, you’ll know immediately, which will help you avoid serious problems down the line.
And asked Qiyang for more info on what to see there as they were the organizers of the event.; Qiyang is manufacturer of custom entertainment systems for cars. You can communicate with every one of them using a variety of apps and features.
Ipctech adhaerens "qualitatis Qiyang, innovationis Qiyang, servitii Qiyang" core valores ac diuturna, summus qualitas stabilitatis quadrigis et servitutis R&D quadrigis. The R&D team pergit evolvere et innovare fructus ad necessitates varias adimplendas. clientes et solutiones praebere per diversas regiones industriae.
Producta nostra subnixa sunt a plurimis testimonialibus quae variis industriis requiruntur, ut CE, FCC, ROHS, etc. EN50155 ad vecturam raili, EN60601 ad apparatum medicorum, EN60945 ad navigationes computatores/marinos systemata computatralia in Europa, IEC60945 ad computatorium navigationis/ computatores marini in America septentrionali et cetera.
Ipctech princeps technicus firmus praecipuus est in investigationibus et progressionibus, productionis ac servitiis tactus industrialis tabulae PC industrialis LCD monitores mini PC cum consilio vano, ARM industrialis omnes in uno PC, ac militaris gradus laptop. Producta late adhibentur in campo militari, telecommunicatione et metallurgia. Possunt etiam inveniri in vecturatione, potestate, ferriviis, aviationibus, communicationibus et oeconomicis servitiis, retiacula instrumentorum medicorum, instrumentorum exquisitorum et plurium.
Ipctech certificatus per GB/T19001-2016/ISO9001:2015. Productiones gravissimas patiuntur altae et infimae temperaturae probatio (-40degC-70degC), vibratio probatio, impulsus probatio, salus probatio, EMI probatio ac lassitudo probatio, scaena productio, inter IQC, IPQC ,OQC, machina coquens static movens, operando/peractio probatio. Omnia producta sunt robusta et stabilia.
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