And Qiyang wants to know about Industrial PCsWhat would you like to know? These computers are not your home or school computer. Industrial PC (IPC) — Special PCs for different industriesEarly PCs were designed for PCs used in offices. Commercial truck engines are designed for great strength and durability under demanding conditions. That means they can keep on working when the going gets tough which makes them ideal for industrial use.
However, this image requires more than regular computers because industrial PCs are designed to withstand harsh conditions. For instance, compared with regular computers, they are far more resistant to heat, dust, and moisture. The reason for this is that, in factories, there is lots and lots of dust, dirt, and other messy substances that could destroy a normal computer.
In addition, there are unique components in these industrial PCs, which allow them to withstand shocks and vibrations. Regular computers can be damaged by vibrations, having them bumped, or simply falling off a table, but the industrial PCs are engineered to survive that type of situation. This makes them ideal for factories where lots of machine and equipment movement is involved.
When, for example, workers need to know how many items are in stock, industrial PCs can assist them with keeping everything on track. They can help organize when things should be made to ensure production runs smoothly as well. These computers are also what allows machines to talk to each other. This means that whenever one machine needs something, it can request another, saving a lot of time, and keeping the workflow well oiled.
Industrial PCs also contribute significantly to making the workplace safe. These computers allow workers to monitor the machines they work on. They are able to see any potential hazards and consider ways to avoid incidents. The industrial PC can also notify the worker if a machine is not operating correctly, allowing the worker to fix it promptly. And factory PCs help workers operate machinery from afar. That means they don't have to be up under the machines, which helps keep them safe from all the hazards in and around here.
Industrial PCs, for instance, are responsible for controlling robots, conveyor belts, and other vital machinery in the factory. They track how these machines are performing and can notify workers if something goes wrong. That means if a robot goes down or a conveyor belt doesn't work, the industrial PC will notify the workers so they can solve the problem immediately. It helps reduce downtime — when the factory is not working and losing money.
Qiyang Industrial PCs, in an effort to save time and enhance workplace safety, for instance, can oversee how machines are functioning in real time. It means that if a machine has issues, the workers will know right away and can repair it before it becomes a big problem. It reduces the downtime of the factory and is very vital for the smooth operation. These computers can also process data that comes from sensors and cameras. This aids workers in identifying trends and patterns which they can leverage to improve production further.
Termékeinket számos tanúsítvány támasztja alá, amelyeket különböző iparágak igényelnek, mint például CE, FCC, ROHS stb. EN50155 a vasúti szállításhoz, EN60601 az orvosi berendezésekhez, EN60945 a navigációs számítógépekhez/tengeri számítógépes rendszerekhez Európában, IEC60945 a navigációs számítógépekhez/ Észak-Amerikában használt tengeri számítógépek és így tovább.
Az Ipctech egy high-tech cég, amely ipari érintőpanelek, ipari LCD-kijelzők, ipari ventilátor nélküli mini PC-k, ARM ipari all-in-one számítógépek, valamint katonai minőségű notebookok kutatására és fejlesztésére és gyártására összpontosít. A termékeket széles körben használják a katonai, távközlési, kohászat, szállítás, energia, vasút, valamint légi közlekedés, kommunikációs hálózatok, pénzügy, orvosi, gépgyártás, precíziós műszerek és más területeken.
Az Ipctech ragaszkodik a "minőségi Qiyang", az "innováció Qiyang" és a "Qiyang szolgáltatás" alapvető értékeihez. A K+F és az ügyfélszolgálati csapatok stabilak és kiváló minőségűek.
Az Ipctech GB/T19001-2016/ISO9001:2015 tanúsítvánnyal rendelkezik. A termékek szigorú magas és alacsony hőmérsékletű (-40°C - 70°C), rezgésvizsgálaton, ütésvizsgálaton, biztonsági teszten, EMI-teszten és fáradtságvizsgálaton esnek át, a gyártási szakaszban, beleértve az IQC-t, IPQC-t ,OQC, mozgó/statikus sütőgép, funkcionális/teljesítmény tesztelés. Ellenőrizze, hogy a termék szilárd és megbízható-e.
Profi értékesítési csapatunk várja tanácsát.