What if you could use a TV just like a computer? Well, you can, and with the wonderful Qiyang PC TV box! With this special device, your TV will work similar to your computer, so you can run various types of apps and programs on your big screen. The PC TV box is also a perfect option for you if you want to combine your fun time and work in a single gadget which is easy to use. It’s like a computer and TV combined!
The Qiyang PC TV box is one of the best available, which have their own benefits when watching videos and listening to music. With this nifty box, you can stream tons of shows and songs from popular services such as Netflix, Hulu and Spotify straight to your TV. What if you could watch your favorite movies in your living room! Elimina cusos, atajos y IPv6 x264, haciendo independientemente el visionado completo, el Qiyang PC TV Box te proporciona un visionado sin molestas paradas o tartamudeos. It even supports 4K Ultra HD, so your films and shows will look stunningly beautiful on your large something. Every detail will appear clear and crisp, and you could just enjoy a movie night like never before!
A Qiyang PC TV box can absolutely make it easier to game if you are fond of playing video games. This special box lets you play lots of different games that you might not have been able to play on your TV before. It offers strong power features and a lot of storage space. This ensures that your games load seamlessly without lags. On the other side of the coin, you can always download all the games you like and play them without any issues. Amplifying your gaming experience with Qiyang PC TV Box just became more awesome!
With a Qiyang PC TV box, you can have the best of both worlds — your TV and your computer. From surfing the internet and checking your email to doing work on important spreadsheets. The Qiyang PC TV box has all the functional capabilities of a PC computer behind it. When you’re done working, you can quickly transition into fun mode where you can watch all your favorite movies and TV shows, or play your favorite games. It’s also great because you’ll never need to hop between devices; everything will be one place!
So if you are serious about improving your home entertainment, a Qiyang PC TV box is undoubtedly the right choice for you. The incredible box will transform any television into a computer with all the functionality you desire. Whether to stream videos, listen incessantly to music, play thrillingly exciting games, or finish school projects, a PC TV box can do all this and more. So why wait? Get a Qiyang PC TV box now and feel the beauty of work and play. You’ll be so glad you did, and your family and friends will love it as well!
Ipctech se pridržava temeljnih vrijednosti "kvaliteta Qiyang, inovacija Qiyang, usluga Qiyang" koje su visoka kvaliteta i dugoročna stabilnost tima za istraživanje i razvoj, kao i tima za korisničku podršku. Tim za istraživanje i razvoj nastavlja stvarati i razvijati nove proizvode koji zadovoljavaju potrebe različitih kupaca i rješavanje problema u raznim industrijama.
Naši proizvodi dolaze s nizom certifikata koje zahtijevaju razne industrije. To uključuje CE, FCC, COHS itd. EN50155 za željeznički tranzit, EN60601 za medicinsku opremu, EN60945 za navigacijska računala/pomorska računala u Europi, IEC60945 za navigacijska računala/pomorska računala u Sjevernoj Americi i tako dalje.
Ipctech certificiran od strane GB/T19001-2016/ISO9001:2015. Proizvodi prolaze rigorozna ispitivanja na visokim i niskim temperaturama (-40 degC - 70degC), ispitivanje vibracija, ispitivanje udarca, ispitivanje sigurnosti, EMI ispitivanje i ispitivanje zamora, fazu proizvodnje, uključujući IQC, IPQC ,OQC, pokretni/statični stroj za pečenje, funkcionalan/izvedba testiranje. Svaki proizvod mora biti stabilan i pouzdan.
Ipctech je visokotehnološka tvrtka usmjerena na istraživanje i razvoj i proizvodnju industrijskih panela osjetljivih na dodir, industrijskih LCD zaslona, mini računala s industrijskim ventilatorima, ARM industrijskih sveobuhvatnih računala i vojnih prijenosnih računala. Ovi proizvodi se intenzivno koriste u područjima vojske, telekomunikacijske metalurgije, transporta, komunikacije pogonskih vlakova, zrakoplovstva, medicine, financija, mreže, proizvodnje strojeva kao i preciznih instrumenata u drugim područjima.
Naš profesionalni prodajni tim čeka vaše savjetovanje.