A computer which is small but performs several tasks efficiently? If yes, then you must consider an industrial mini PC! However, these kinds of computers are also perfect for enterprises that require powerful performance but do not have much room to operate. They are built for rugged conditions with standard PCs can fail.
Industrial mini PC has one very big advantage and it is their compact size. They are compact enough that you can easily hang them on a wall or sit them on a table. They are therefore ideal for busy workspaces with limited equipment. They may be tiny, but mini PCs pack a serious punch. They provide the same computing power as bigger computers, meaning businesses can continue doing everything they need to бези займаючи much since space. This is particularly useful for companies that have a lot of machinery and need to maximize their space, as you can store the equipment in the space you may have.
The computer should be strong and reliable especially in the office. It is also the reason that industrial mini PCs are constructed with durable materials, designed for longevity. Robustness: They are capable of operating in extreme weather conditions (high heat or persistent cold), dust, and vibration. This means they can continue to operate smoothly amid less than perfect conditions. In addition to robustness, Mini PCs are also energy-efficient. This not only allows businesses to save money on their electricity bill, but also receive world class performance from their computers. These mini PCs just use less energy, making them better for the business as well as the environment.
Workstations tend to be compact with many pieces of equipment and personnel milling around. That is the reason why owners of an enterprise must find the solutions that occupy a minimum amount of space. Industrial mini PCs are ideal for this challenge because they are small enough to be wall-mounted or placed on a table. It lets up more room on the floor to sort out their workplaces. With more space available, it is easier for employees to move around and accomplish tasks. Finally, as mini PCs are designed to be energy efficient, they wouldn’t contribute on this high amount in terms of energy cost that businesses usually need to face in industrial environments.
Don’t be fooled by their small stature—industrial mini PCs cater to computing that packs a punch, often rivaling that of larger systems. This means that businesses get all the advantages of high-performance computing, without the extra square footage. But these mini PCs are so rugged and reliable as they are built specifically for harsh industrial environments. This makes businesses assured that their computers will continue running reliably even in dire conditions. From factories floors to warehouses, these mini PCs can do it all.
Benefits of Using Industrial Mini PCsOne of the biggest benefits of using industrial mini PCs for businesses is that they are highly efficient. Businesses can keep everything smooth doing automated machines and processes using mini PC devices. This may help reduce errors and minimize downtime, both of which save companies time and money in the long run. Simply put, when operations are working smoother, better companies can focus on building business right instead of worrying about computer problems. Moreover, as mini- PCs consume less energy, they will not contribute to the already elevated commercial automation energy costs. This makes them a perfect solution for the organizations that want to reduce cost and increase productivity.
Naši proizvodi imaju širok raspon certifikata koje zahtijevaju razne industrije, kao što su CE, FCC, COHS i tako dalje. EN50155 za željeznički prijevoz, EN60601 za medicinsku opremu, EN60945 za navigacijska računala/pomorske računalne sustave u Europi, IEC60945 za navigacijska računala/pomorska računala u Sjevernoj Americi i tako dalje.
Ipctech certificiran od strane GB/T19001-2016/ISO9001:2015. Proizvodi prolaze rigorozna ispitivanja na visokim i niskim temperaturama (-40 degC - 70degC), ispitivanje vibracija, ispitivanje udarca, ispitivanje sigurnosti, EMI ispitivanje i ispitivanje zamora, fazu proizvodnje, uključujući IQC, IPQC ,OQC, pokretni/statični stroj za pečenje, funkcionalan/izvedba testiranje. Svaki proizvod mora biti stabilan i pouzdan.
Ipctech je visokotehnološka tvrtka specijalizirana za istraživanje i razvoj proizvodnje i servisiranja industrijskih računala s panelom osjetljivim na dodir, industrijskih LCD monitora, industrijskih mini računala bez ventilatora, industrijskih sve-u-jednom računala ARM i vojnih ojačanih prijenosnih računala. Naširoko se koriste u područjima vojske, telekomunikacijske metalurgije, transporta, elektroenergetskih i željezničkih komunikacija, zrakoplovstva, mreža, financija, medicinske proizvodnje strojeva, preciznih instrumenata, kao iu drugim područjima.
Ipctech se pridržava temeljnih vrijednosti "Qiyang kvalitete", "Qiyang inovacije" i "Qiyang usluge". Timovi za istraživanje i razvoj i korisničku podršku pouzdani su i visokokvalitetni.
Naš profesionalni prodajni tim čeka vaše savjetovanje.