Business daily tools are very much dependent on computers. Computer systems break pretty easily, or are really slow, which does not make for easy work. So to help those companies operate faster and much better, Qiyang has created special computer boards.
These computer boards are extremely robust and can operate in environments that are harsh and punishing to regular computers. They use special parts that don't tend to break when it gets really hot or really cold. The boards can help computers run lots of different things at the same time — meaning workers can get more work done quickly.
In environments like factories, warehouses and outdoor job sites, a computer has to be extremely rugged. “Normal computers may fail, but Qiyang's computer circuit boards are different. They can work in extremely hot or very cold environments. But some boards can go from freezing to boiling without stopping. They are also resistant to dust and water. That means the computers will continue to function in the most difficult places.
These special computer boards can perform a myriad of cool and wonderful functions. They can assist businesses in using new computer tool systems like your learning machines, and there controlled computer technology unique points. The boards are so fast that they make it much easier for workers to share information with complete speed.
Qiyang understands that every business is unique and requires something else. So they create computer boards that can be modified to suit the precise needs of each business. This allows a business to tailor their computer board exactly to their specific style of business. Some companies require boards for drawing illustrations, others for solving math problems, and others for tracking information.
It would be a great decision for the businesses to invest on these computer boards. They make computers run more efficiently and significantly longer. Good computing can help businesses save money and time. Doing this, they do not have to spend money to fix broken computers and therefore, use the money do more work and grow their business.
Ipctech certificiran od strane GB/T19001-2016/ISO9001:2015. Proizvodi prolaze rigorozno testiranje na visokim i niskim temperaturama (-40 degC - 70 degC), ispitivanje vibracija, ispitivanje udarca, ispitivanje sigurnosti, EMI ispitivanje i ispitivanje zamora, fazu proizvodnje, uključujući IQC, IPQC ,OQC, pokretni/statični stroj za pečenje, funkcionalan/izvedba testiranje. Provjerite jesu li svi proizvodi robusni i stabilni.
Naši proizvodi imaju širok raspon certifikata potrebnih raznim industrijama, poput CE, FCC, COHS itd. EN50155 za željeznički transport, EN60601 za medicinsku opremu, EN60945 za navigacijska računala/pomorska računala u Europi, IEC60945 za navigacijska pomorska računala i računala u Sjevernoj Americi i još mnogo toga.
Ipctech se pridržava temeljnih vrijednosti "kvaliteta Qiyang, inovacija Qiyang, usluga Qiyang" i dugotrajna, visokokvalitetna stabilnost svog tima za istraživanje i razvoj, kao i tima za korisničku podršku. Tim za istraživanje i razvoj nastavlja razvijati i inovirati proizvode kako bi zadovoljio potrebe različitih kupaca i rješavanje problema u različitim industrijama.
Ipctech je visokotehnološka tvrtka usmjerena na istraživanje i razvoj i proizvodnju industrijskih panela osjetljivih na dodir, industrijskih LCD zaslona, mini računala s industrijskim ventilatorima, ARM industrijskih sveobuhvatnih računala i vojnih prijenosnih računala. Ovi proizvodi se intenzivno koriste u područjima vojske, telekomunikacijske metalurgije, transporta, komunikacije pogonskih vlakova, zrakoplovstva, medicine, financija, mreže, proizvodnje strojeva kao i preciznih instrumenata u drugim područjima.
Naš profesionalni prodajni tim čeka vaše savjetovanje.