Mnogo je razloga zašto ip65 vodootporan industrijski panel bez ventilatora j1900 kom are awesome. The first is that they are very quiet, because they are not a fan in motion. Which means you can study, read, or watch a movie without any distracting noise. No more buzzing noise in the background while you are doing your homework or watching a movie with your family. That makes it all so much more fun!
Second, fanless computers are more compact and lighter than normal computers. This is an extreme blessing as it makes them portable and easy to carry. Regardless of going to a friend’s home found in the library or even exploration together with your own personal loved ones, you simply must yourself take your fanless computer using you. You don’t have to worry about it being heavier than a pinky or taking up too much space in your bag.
Konačno, mini računalo bez ventilatora consume less power than normal computers as they don’t require the cooling from a fan. This matters as they are cheaper to operate. When using these computers, you won’t need to pay as much for electricity. And, consuming less energy is more sustainable for our planet! It conserves electricity, which is good for the whole planet.
Fanless computers are about the coolest thing since sliced bread, but there are a few bits of information you might want to know prior to biting that custard cream. Since those computers don’t have a fan to cool them off, they employ something called a heat sink. A heat sink is a special part that spreads out heat so your computer doesn’t over heat. Using a fanless computer for long periods without breaks, it might still warm up. But don’t worry! If you take breaks as needed, your computer will be perfectly happy and continue functioning well.
Another crucial thing to remember is that you have to keep dust out of a fanless computer. Dust can accumulate over time and impede the air flow. When the flow of air is disturbed, the computer will heat up too much and will not be able to work normally. So, it’s wise to keep your fanless computer clean regularly. Just wipe down the area with a soft cloth and ensure that no dust settles on the inside. Doing so ensures that it will run well for a long while!
For many businesses that require computers that are not only soundless but also portable and energy-efficient, fanless computers are the ideal choice. A doctor’s office, for example, needs a quiet computer so patients who are waiting aren’t disturbed. Patients need to be calm and relaxed while they wait for their appointments.
We are rethinking computers, with fanless computers. They are smaller, quieter and consume less power than normal computers. This renders them more environmentally sound and contribute to saving money. With these computers people are beginning to understand that they not only serve the needs of the business world but also are simply good computers for everyone.
Imamo brojne certifikate koji su potrebni raznim industrijama. To uključuje CE,FCC.ROHS.CCC. EN50155 je za željeznički transport. EN60601 je za medicinsku opremu. EN60945 je za navigacijska računala/pomorska računala za navigacijska računala u Europi. IEC60945 u Sjevernoj Americi.
Ipctech, visokotehnološka tvrtka, specijalizirana je za istraživanje i razvoj i proizvodnju industrijskih dodirnih panela, industrijskih LCD zaslona i mini računala s industrijskim bez ventilatora i ARM industrijskim sve-u-jednom računalima te vojnim ojačanim prijenosnim računalima. Proizvodi se intenzivno koriste u vojsci, telekomunikacijama, transportu, metalurgiji, pogonskim sklopovima, kao i zrakoplovstvu, komunikacijskim mrežama, financijama, medicini, proizvodnji strojeva, preciznim instrumentima i drugim područjima.
Ipctech se pridržava temeljnih vrijednosti "Qiyang kvalitete", "Qiyang inovacije" kao i "Qiyang usluge". Timovi za istraživanje i razvoj i korisničku podršku pouzdani su i visokokvalitetni.
Ipctech certificiran od strane GB/T19001-2016/ISO9001:2015. Proizvodi prolaze rigorozna ispitivanja na visokim i niskim temperaturama (-40 degC - 70degC), ispitivanje vibracija, ispitivanje udarca, ispitivanje sigurnosti, EMI ispitivanje i ispitivanje zamora, fazu proizvodnje, uključujući IQC, IPQC ,OQC, pokretni/statični stroj za pečenje, funkcionalan/izvedba testiranje. Osigurajte da su svi proizvodi robusni i stabilni.
Naš profesionalni prodajni tim čeka vaše savjetovanje.