An Indestructible Computer For All Those Stormy Nights Then, you need to see the Qiyang Panel PC IP65! It's crafted to survive the harshest of environs, a computer that has been designed for specific locations such as this. And given it comes with an IP65 rating we know it's completely water- and dust-proof which is fantastic news. This way you cannot have it damaged by rain, snow ou dust storms. So whether you are working on site or in a place where things can get dirty this computer is made to withstand& keep working.
The Qiyang Panel PC IP65 have excellent weather resistance and durability. The Spin uses quality materials to withstand hits and bumps while maintaining performance. Think about perhaps working in a busy factory where things could be knocked over, or dropped. This provides the full IP65 protection that will allow it to survive even in the works brake conditions. It is therefore ideal for applications in factories, food processing, as well as oil and gas projects. And in these settings, no one wants a computer that crashes.
Qiyang Panel PC IP65 is not the only environment suitable for indoors, and it can also be used as an outdoor machine, which is another big bright spot. It is good for outdoor jobs like farming, delivery, and transportation It is also sun and weather resilient so when the hot sun beats down or it starts to pour with rain suddenly, you can be assured you won't have decaying fencing around your home a few moments later. This able to keep the workers in fields and outdoors where it would not be cost effective for them to work about a computer up thus enabling us to perform a variety of tasks online and coordinate with our team effectively, Task Managerегистратwrong. The Qiyang Panel PC IP65 Empowers people to get the work done in a number of places, Hence making it an extremely versatile apparatus.
The nice thing about the Qiyang IP65 Panel PC is that it offers easy to use functionality. The screen is a touchscreen, and that means you can tap on the screen and swipe it instead of using a mouse or keyboard. It is a great feature as it helps in completing the work faster. It also sports a full IP65 rating to help prevent water and dust damage, so feel free to use it near spills and dirt. The four-inch touchscreen allows workers to easily use the AN510exo even while wearing gloves, a necessity for many jobs. The system is a win for everyone as it takes up less valuable real estate on your desk and saves you time and energy in the process.
Being durable and user-friendly is not the only thing that makes the Qiyang Panel PC IP65; it is cost-effective as well. You need to have good tools that are affordable for businesses. Not only can this computer save your company money in the short term by preemptively halting damage that would require a fix (or replace); Suppose you needed to repair or replace a computer frequently — that's expensive! We make a great option The Qiyang Panel PC IP65 that can save your time to work faster and safe and reduce maintenance costs. Qiyang Panel PC IP65 is the best choice for companies, it has both robust protection of difficult conditions and price in one range.
Ipctech-sertifioitu GB/T19001-2016/ISO9001:2015. Tuotteille tehdään tiukka korkean ja matalan lämpötilan testaus (-40°C - 70°C), tärinätestaus, iskutestaus, turvallisuustestaus, EMI-testaus ja väsymistesti, tuotantovaihe, mukaan lukien IQC, IPQC ,OQC, liikkuva/staattinen leivinkone, toimiva/suorituskykyinen testaus. Tarkista, että tuotteet ovat turvallisia ja luotettavia.
Tuotteillamme on lukuisia eri teollisuudenalojen vaatimia sertifikaatteja, kuten CE, FCC, ROHS, CCC ja niin edelleen. EN50155 rautatieliikenteelle, EN60601 lääketieteellisille laitteille, EN60945 navigointitietokoneille/meren tietokonejärjestelmille Euroopassa, IEC60945 merenkulkutietokoneille ja tietokoneille Pohjois-Amerikassa ja paljon muuta.
Ipctech on johtava korkean teknologian yritys, joka keskittyy teollisuuden kosketuspaneelitietokoneiden tutkimukseen ja kehittämiseen, tuotantoon ja palveluihin. Tuotteita käytetään laajasti sotilas-, telekommunikaatio- ja metallurgian alalla. Niitä löytyy myös liikenteestä, sähköstä, rautateistä, ilmailusta, viestinnästä ja rahoituspalveluista, verkoista, lääketieteellisistä instrumenteista, tarkkuuslaitteista ja muista.
Ipctech noudattaa "laatu Qiyang, innovaatio Qiyang, palvelu Qiyang" perusarvoja, jotka ovat korkea laatu ja pitkäaikainen vakaus T&K-tiimin sekä asiakaspalvelutiimin.T&K-tiimi jatkaa uusien tuotteiden luomista ja kehittämistä, jotka täyttävät vaatimukset. eri asiakkaiden tarpeisiin ja ratkaisemaan ongelmia eri toimialoilla.
Ammattitaitoinen myyntitiimimme odottaa konsultaatiotasi.