Mikä on kestävä teollisuustietokone? It is a special kind of computer designed for use in rough locations and harsh environments. These computers can operate in extreme heat or extreme cold, endure wetness and withstand bumps and jarring. They are built to be tough and hardy, like superheroes! Rugged PCs are ideal for those who work outdoors even on rainy and snowy days. This breeds different kinds of use cases that require computers to handle extreme circumstances like construction workers on buildings, geologists studying rocks and land, and so on.
Well, rugged PCs come with so many wonderful benefits that it makes them a great option. One critical… are designed for the long haul. This means you don’t have to invest in a new computer nearly as frequently, which over time can help you save money. IP They are built to function well in extreme heat or extreme wet. They are quite resistant to breaking and can even be dropped or hit!
All steel couplings are designed for its use in the harsh environment. They have sturdy frames that offer support and rubber bumpers to cushion them if they fall accidentally. Most rugged PCs are also water-resistant, so they won’t be damaged if they’re splashed or rained on. Some have rugged models with touchscreen displays so you can use them with your fingers even when it is raining or when you wear gloves. This is especially useful for those who are required to work in various weather aspects when outdoors.
paneeli PCs are great for those who travel and do not want to be disconnected from the internet when away from the office or home. Their long-lasting batteries enable them to run for hours without recharging. And, they can be powered by solar panels or car chargers. That's super nice because it allows you to take your rugged PC with you on fun outdoor trips, like camping or hiking, yet still have access to important documents, information, and even the internet! It keeps you in touch, wherever you go!
For soldiers and workers in factories, rugged PCs are ideal because they can be used in extremely challenging conditions. They can labor in some very tough environments, such as hot deserts, dense jungles, and even battlefields. For example, soldiers use rugged PCs to communicate, so that they can stay in touch with one another, and for intelligence gathering, which is the act of collecting information in the service of their missions. Factory workers, meanwhile, use rugged PCs to monitor and control machines in factories and mines and ensure everything runs smoothly and safely.
Ipctech on korkean teknologian yritys, joka on erikoistunut teollisuuden kosketuspaneelitietokoneiden, teollisten LCD-näyttöjen, teollisuuden tuulettimattomien minitietokoneiden, ARM-teollisuuden all-in-one-tietokoneiden ja sotilaallisesti vahvistettujen kannettavien tietokoneiden tuotekehitykseen. Niitä käytetään laajalti armeijan, televiestintämetallurgian, liikenteen, voiman ja rautateiden viestinnän, lentoliikenteen, verkkojen, rahoituksen, lääketieteellisen koneiden valmistuksen aloilla Tarkkuusinstrumentit sekä muilla aloilla.
Ipctech noudattaa "laatu Qiyang, innovaatio Qiyang, palvelu Qiyang" perusarvoja, jotka ovat korkea laatu ja pitkäaikainen vakaus T&K-tiimin sekä asiakaspalvelutiimin.T&K-tiimi jatkaa uusien tuotteiden luomista ja kehittämistä, jotka täyttävät vaatimukset. eri asiakkaiden tarpeisiin ja ratkaisemaan ongelmia eri toimialoilla.
Ipctech-sertifioitu GB/T19001-2016/ISO9001:2015. Tuotteille tehdään tiukka korkean ja matalan lämpötilan testaus (-40°C - 70°C), tärinätestaus, iskutestaus, turvallisuustestaus, EMI-testaus ja väsymistesti, tuotantovaihe, mukaan lukien IQC, IPQC ,OQC, liikkuva/staattinen leivinkone, toimiva/suorituskykyinen testaus. Varmista, että tuote on kiinteä ja luotettava.
Tuotteillamme on laaja valikoima sertifikaatteja, joita vaativat eri toimialat, kuten CE, FCC, COHS ja niin edelleen. EN50155 rautatieliikenteelle, EN60601 lääketieteellisille laitteille, EN60945 navigointitietokoneille/meren tietokonejärjestelmille Euroopassa, IEC60945 navigointitietokoneille/meren tietokoneille Pohjois-Amerikassa ja niin edelleen.
Ammattitaitoinen myyntitiimimme odottaa konsultaatiotasi.